Hello Shark people! After a long break, back with the first post for 2021! I am super happy to start the new series of interviews with a very special guest!
I was delighted to have the opportunity to ask some questions to a leading expert on sharks, tour guide and Shark Week collaborator Jimi Partington from Shark Diving Experts about his experience and daily work with great whites. So let's discover more about Jimi's adventures!

When did you first start to be interested in sharks?
I have been interested in sharks for as long as I can remember. They are a species that has always been part of my life. The fascination must have set in at a very early age however I cannot pinpoint one single moment that made me fall in love with sharks, I think the feeling grew over time. From a young age, I was always intrigued by nature and the natural world (especially large predatory animals). Growing up in England, sharks were very foreign to me so perhaps that also fuelled my interest (along with some fear of the unknown.) As I grew older and learnt more about sharks my obsession grew stronger and then once I actively began working with sharks, that was it, I was hooked and there was no going back.
Great White sharks are amazing creatures, do you remember your feelings the first time you dove with these animals?

This is something I do remember well. I specifically travelled to South Africa when I was 21 to cage dive with Great Whites. It was something I was desperate to see and do. I remember seeing my first shark from the top side of the boat, its dark top side and dorsal fin cutting through the green murky water and disappearing again under the boat. I have never forgotten that image. Soon after I entered the cage and I remember being full of adrenaline and excitement as myself and a group of friends peered into the water to view flashes of the sharks as they darted in front of us chasing the bait. One trip was not nearly enough so I stayed another week and dived most days. I thought the trip was going to be a one-off but it such a lasting effect on me that it inspired me to go on and pursue a career with these animals.
You saw many different Great white sharks over time, have you ever noticed different “personalities” among the individuals you encountered?

Absolutely. In fact, this is the one thing that I am most fascinated about with our animals. I used to work in an aquarium with Sand Tiger Sharks (a more primitive species of shark) and from being able to observe them every day in captivity I was able to clearly observe varying personalities from each individual. Soon after, I began working with the Great Whites and just like the Sand Tiger sharks, the Great Whites also had individual personalities from shark to shark. I would say even stronger and more obvious to observe, as the Great White shark is regarded as one of the most intelligent species of sharks. I have now been working with Great Whites for over 10 years and have got to know certain animals very well. Some individuals we see every single year. Some are bold, some are shy, some are cautious and some are outright crazy!
As you spend a lot of time in the sea, how it evolved the great white shark population in your area over years?
I am happy to say I personally have seen an increase in the shark population along the Californian coastline over the past 10 years. We catalogue every shark we see each season and the database has risen every single year. Juvenile shark sightings are also on the increase along southern California as well as other protected marine species. This comes down to regulated protected areas and allowing nature to recover and become stable in rich areas of the ocean. However, sadly this is not the case in all areas of the world. I have seen the numbers of White sharks decrease in some areas in Mexico as well as along the South African coastline. There are many factors contributing to this decrease but changes will need to be implemented if those areas are going to see a shift and increase in the White shark populations found there.

What’s the message you would like to spread to raise awareness on shark conservation?

As a tour guide, I have a great passion for eco-tourism. I believe that through education and experiences such as cage diving we can provide a platform for anyone interested (or uneducated) in sharks to come and see one face to face and be able to see them for what they are. I defy anyone to come on our trips and not leave the boat with a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Great white shark. It inspired me all those years ago and I since went on to dedicate the rest of my professional life to diving with them, filming them and helping to educate thousands of tourists how important they are to protect and conserve within the animal kingdom. Sharks need our help and its the future generations who are going to decide if they are to survive or not so it is our duty to give that next generation the correct information and knowledge to go on and do the right thing.
It's the end of this amazing interview. It was a pleasure to exchange with Jimi about his amazing work with sharks at Shark Diving Experts.
If this interview raised your willing to experience firsthand what is like to see a great white, I highly recommend you to check out Shark Diving Expert by clicking here or by following SDX on Instagram.
See you next time :)